World’s Deadliest Natural Disasters
Disasters are quite common. Even though we do not realize it, there are many disasters happening but due to today’s technology we are able to avoid this and protect ourselves. Further we can also predict weather patterns and oncoming foreseeable disasters and get out of its path. Still there are some disasters that go under the radar and it cause loss of life. There are quite a few bad disasters that have happened over the years. Millions of lives have been lost but people end up always recovering. We have survived everything but loss is great. Here’s a list of some of the world’s deadliest disasters that humans have lived through.
1931 China Floods
The 1931 China floods were a series of floods that occurred in China. It is considered to be one of the worst deadliest disasters that has happened to mankind. It is estimated that around 4 million lives were lost during the floods. The rains came after a long draught in China which brought about many cyclones. This was never expected and caused serious damage. Many rivers overflowed destroying neighboring villages and took many lives. Aftermath of the floods, there were many relief attempts and changes to certain policies. Today houses are built much stronger to withstand many complications. Protective concrete coatings to protect these buildings.
1887 Yellow river flood
The 1887 Yellow river flooding was a previous natural disaster that affected China. Farmers had built dikes to contain the water in the river. Due to heavy rains, the dikes were overcome resulting in heavy flooding around the areas. It has been estimated the Yellow river flood killed around 900,000 people. The flood spread quickly and caused more damages as well. Similarly, today these are much more though out. Buildings around rivers are made to withstand flooding and proper sealing concrete and right materials are used.
1556 Shaanxi earthquake
The 1556 Shaanxi was another disaster that had previously affected China. This is the deadliest earthquake on record. It claimed around 850,000 lives in China. The earthquake also caused many buildings and locations to get damaged. It has been identified that an 840-kilometer area was destroyed by the earthquake.
1839 India cyclone
The 1839 India cyclone was an unexpected cyclone that hit Coringa in Andra Pradesh in India. The cyclone hit a harbor city resulting in a loss of over 300,000 lives. Further it damaged the city and many vessels were broken as well. The city was never entirely re built by the survivors. This is one of the worst disasters that has affected India