Easy Bathroom Decorating Ideas

You may be tired of your bathroom, the way it looks and feels. And it can be a damper for you to walk into it. We have some ideas here that will get you on your toes and want to start redecorating right away, read on;

You can start by installing custom glass shower screens instead of the old shower curtain. Not only are they sleek and stylish, but they are also efficient in keeping the water out of the other areas of the bathroom, thus making it easier to clean.To go a step further, why not try frameless shower screens Melbourne? They are the rage at this moment, and lots of people are catching up with this trend. In fact they give the bathroom a futuristic look. They come in all kinds of designs and you should choose the one you think goes with the look of the bathroom as a whole. One of the most important upgrades involves the lighting. Lighting, I paired with the correct colour, sets the mood. And this is established by scientific research. It is not difficult to change the lighting or the colour, and if you add a touch of imagination, you can create magic.

You should paint the bathroom with the exact shade that you have selected. With advancements in technology, it is not necessary any longer to add gloss to the bathroom in order to fight against moisture. All you have to do is to ask the paint shop to include additives in the paint to make it moisture proof. You may need some professional help to paint the walls evenly.

You can go ahead and replace outdated lighting fixtures with new ones from a home improvement store. Check out the internet for some good ideas and go for it. It is best if you let professionals handle the electricity part.
When you change the lighting, try to be original. There are LED’s available in various shapes and colours that can completely change the look of your bathroom. You can also hang pendants and light bars t o enhance the look further.
Why should the walls of the bathroom remain empty? There are many canvas paintings available especially for bathrooms and some of them are real pieces of art. For the best visual effect, choose oversized photographs, they make the bathroom look larger than they actually are.

You can also redecorate existing tiles. If the tiles in your bathroom are non-removal, you can opt for removable adhesive tiles on top of them. Let your imaginations run wild with this one. There’s a lot that you can achieve with tiles, do not underestimate them. You also need to make sure that the tiles are compatible with the overall look of the bathroom and its walls.